Ovos da Versace, leite da Apple? / Eggs by Versace, IMilk by Apple? What?!

 Imagine você acordar, ir pra mesa tomar café da manhã e encontrar biscoitos Dolce & Gabbana e Café da Cartier. Louco, não é? Foi exatamente isso que o artista Peddy Mergui fez.

 *Imagine you wake up, go have breakfast and find Dolce & Gabbana cookies and coffee by Cartier on the table. Crazy, isn't it? That was exactly what the artist Peddy Mergui did.

 Os itens fazem parte da série chamada “Wheat Is Wheat Is Wheat” que traz um novo conceito de luxo: grandes grifes estampadas nos produtos comuns do nosso dia a dia. Confira!

 *The items are part of the serie called "Wheat Is Wheat Is Wheat" that brings a new concept of luxury: big brands printed on products that are usually used in our day to day. Give a look!

Farinha / Fluor by Prada

ILeite / IMilk by Apple

Café / Coffee by Cartier

Manteiga / Soft Butter by Bulgari

Comida de bebê / Infant Formula by Chanel

Yogurt by Tiffany&Co.

Pickles by Gucci

Cookies by Dolce & Gabbana

Salami by Louis Vuitton

Sal e Pimenta / Salt and Pepper by Hermès

Frutas / Fruits by Nike

Macarrão / Pasta by Ferrari