Dancing With the Devil

 A Blachet Designs mostra seu lado escuro e sensual com o novo editorial " Blanchet Designs takes the Dance".
 Confira mais sobre a marca no site: http://www.blanchetdesigns.com/

 *The Blachet Designs shows its darker and sensual side with the new editorial "Blanchet Designs takes the Dance".
 Check out more about the brand at: http://www.blanchetdesigns.com/

Photographer - Kai He - http://kaihephotography.com 
Designer - Blanchet Designs - http://www.blanchetdesigns.com/
Head Wear - http://www.saciaO.com
Guest Star - Kenny Kweens of Villians of Vaudeville - http://villainsofvaudeville.com/
Hair - Color Fusion Make-up Studio - http://www.colorfusionmakeover.com/
Make-up - Makeup by Laura Garcia using MAC Cosmetics